IR update Q4-18

Q4 – worth noting:

Average volume growth: Q4: 1.1% and FY18: 3.1%
End of period volume growth: Q4: 0.6% and FY18: 3.6% (both FX-adjusted)
NIM: +8 bps to 1.57
Effects from repricing (4. Nov.): approx. 200mill.
Non-recurring expenses: -506 mill (Including depreciations of leasing contracts and systems, impairments and non-recurring fees)
Tax expense:  
Non-recurring tax income: +880 mill in (DNB Liv - transitional effects from new tax rules)


Remember for Q1-19:

2 less interest days: approx. -160mill
Increased Resolution fee: approx. -85mill
Full positive effect from repricing  
Net gain on fixed and tangible assets:  
From the non-life merger: Q1 approx. +1.8bn (from non-life merger).  And in Q2 Remaining approx. +1.2bn.